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How Important Is It To You?

Does it ever seem as if there are not enough hours in a day (or week... or month) to do all the things that you need to do? So often it's as if we are perpetually playing catch up from the day before. Inevitably some things tend to get dropped as business increases and time decreases.

The things that we generally ignore when we feel that time is limited shows what our priorities are. We usually do not stop doing the things we see as most important, so we end up letting go of what we do not consider necessary.

In light of this, I can't help but ask, why do we so often ignore God when we are busy?

I'm just as guilty of this as anyone. So many mornings, I don't want to get up earlier than necessary so I can make time to spend with God before I start my day. Instead, I sleep in as late as I can (which is still early) and rush about, running out the door to get to work on time. After work, I'll sometimes spend part of my afternoon or evening studying the Scriptures, but so often I end up either feeling too mentally exhausted or doing other things that I need (or want) to do: chores around the house, grocery shopping, meeting up with people, or relaxing. When bedtime finally swings around, I find that many times I have completely neglected to spend any time with God. What does this say about my priorities?

No, I'm not saying that we need to spend every single awake moment reading our Bibles or praying; neither am I saying that we shouldn't be taking the necessary time to fulfill your necessary takes, build relationships, or give your body the rest it needs.

Instead, I am simply pointing out that far too often we put what should be our most important priority as Christians - spending time in fellowship with God - much lower on the totem pole than it ever should be.

Think about it: we say we didn't have time to memorize Scripture, read our Bible (even a chapter), or pray, but we somehow we had the time to scroll through the internet, watch that next episode in the series, or wander the malls. What do our actions tell of God's importance and significance to us?

The truth is, we don't like to sacrifice our desires. It's easier to watch a movie or lose ourselves in social media than it is to learn systematic theology and study the Scriptures. We like easy. But Christians are not called to live easy lives: we are called to live righteous lives - and most times, these are never the same route.

If Christ is most important to you, than He should not (and would not) be the first thing you will push aside in your business. Yes, you will have days where you get to bed realizing you hadn't touch your Bible, but your life will show a consistent commitment to giving God the priority He deserves as your Lord and King.

We will always make time for what we believe is most important. What every Christian needs to consider is this: Is God really as important to you as you say He is?


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