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PREFACE: "The Truth About Christianity"

First off: Welcome! Thank you for the privilege you've given me by stopping on my blog!

As start off, I want to begin by considering what this blog is all about: how the truth of the Gospel transforms our lives. Due to the fact that there seemed too much information to cover in only one post, I decided to open up with a 3-part mini series, titled "The Truth About Christianity".

Over the next three posts, I will touch on three sections:
  1. What Christianity Is (and Isn't)
  2. Our (and My) Response to Christianity
  3. Our Calling as Christians

The first part discusses a few misconceptions about Christianity and reminds us what it actually is about. The second part brings us to the choice we all must make, and how God changed me from someone who knew of God, to someone who knows God intimately. The third and last part focuses on the realities of Christianity, and how it will inevitably change us.

For many of you this information is old news, and there may be the temptation to simply skip these first few posts completely. Please don't. These posts set the tone for everything else I'm going to write. If you want to better know where I'm coming from and why I'm writing, this is where you'll find it. 

My prayer is that these posts might be an encouragement to you, just as much as they were to me writing them,

For His Glory, 
Mandie Pitre

~ Soli Deo Gloria!


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