Christianity. A word that is so often misunderstood. But what does it really mean? Type "definition of Christianity" into your average browser's search engine, and you'll come across an answer such as "the religion based on the person and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth, or its beliefs and practices" . In the secular world, "Christianity" simply refers to a set of beliefs that surrounds the person of Jesus. If you dig a little deeper and ask a self-proclaiming Christian, you should hopefully get a different and more in-depth answer. Though the responses may vary depending on their specific beliefs, many who call themselves "Christians" would describe Christianity as a life-style choice, or a relationship with God. Being a Christian means that Jesus Christ is your Saviour and, if you put your faith and trust in God, you will go to Heaven when you die. But is that it? Is being a Christian simply about not going to Hell and having a G...
An exhortation to live out your faith practically